Index > Movie theaters in movies > Dawson's Creek

Movie theaters in movies :

Dawson's Creek

Episode 201: "The Kiss"

USA - 1998-2003
Location: Fake
Theater(s): Fake

The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"

At last, Capeside's theater, mentioned several times in the first season, appears in the second season, but only because it's about to be torn down. A beautiful Cinema Paradiso-like, named Rialto.

And when an American theater closes down, it must play "The Last Picture Show", from which several scenes will be shown on the screen. Dawson, le movie buff, enjoys a lot, even though he's stuck with heart problems.

The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"
The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"
The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"
The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"
The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"
The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"

Below: the theater, which closes down to be demolished, is carefully cleaned after the show...
The Rialto from "Dawson's Creek"

At the end of the episode, we are told the theater will be replaced by a state-of-the-art new cinema; all for the best?!...

The Rialto is also the name of the theater in the first scene of Scream 2, also written and produced by Kevin Williamson, but it is not the same theater (the Rialto from Dawson's Creek looks more beautiful).